Our company was established since 1996 as an accounting and taxation consulting firm.  The personality & expertise of the founder forms a major part of the company character today: 

integrity, pragmatic, precise

Splendid meets customer needs & demands with finely tuned and efficient operation to cope with the changing market place and government policies.

Our Mission                      Our Services

    1. accounting service
    2. taxation consulting & planning
    3. audit referral
    4. company registration & set-up
    5. company secretary
    6. trademarks & patents
    7. management consultancy
    8. working visa

    To provide customers with:
  • professional accounting & business advises
  • competitive pricing
  • quick response
  • quality & on-time job
  • high standard of business with company secretary


    As our services are based on your needs & demands, please contact us with respect to any detailed enquiries that you may have.  We look forward to talking to you soon.

    Flat A, 16/F., Glory Centre,
    8 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tusi,
    Kowloon, Hong Kong.
    Tel: (852) 3426-9923
    Fax: (852) 2384-6113
    E-mail: info@splendidcpa.com